urgent Dental Care in Albuquerque

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry provides immediate and urgent dental care for patients who are suffering from a dental injury or are experiencing severe oral pain. Some example of this is a chipped tooth, tooth pain, and tooth decay. The primary mission of an emergency dental treatment is to get patients back to a state of pain-free, optimal oral health as soon as possible. By offering openings in their schedules for same-day appointments, dentists can provide the emergency treatment you need so you can get back to smiling with comfort and ease. Call today to schedule an appointment at Coronado Family Dental. Don't hesitate to stop by our office located at 11130 Lomas Blvd NE Suite F2, Albuquerque, NM 87112.

Albuquerque urgent dental care

Did you know…

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A tooth infection can spread to other parts of your body and cause further dental issues if left untreated.

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What to do in a dental emergency

Albuquerque Emergency Dentist

Remain Calm

While an unexpected dental injury can cause extreme stress and pain, it's important to stay calm. Know that almost every dental issue can be addressed, treated, and resolved by a dentist in Albuquerque, NM . There's no need to panic, we are here to help.

Emergency Dentist in Alubuquerque

Reduce Bleeding

If your dental injury or accident causes bleeding to occur, use a strip of sterile gauze and add pressure to the afflicted area. This should slow the blood flow within an hour.

Emergency Dentist

Control Swelling & Pain

An over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can temporarily alleviate pain and swelling. Avoid blood-thinning aspirins as they will prevent clotting and may make it difficult to control the flow of blood. You can also relieve pain by applying an ice pack to the cheek near the affected area.

Emergency dentist in Albuquerque, NM

Call Us Right Away

Don't hesitate to give us a call as soon as you've gained control of your dental emergency. Our team can help assess the severity of your dental injury, and get you in our office as soon as possible for treatment.

offering flexible appointment times

View our services

Same-Day Dental Care

With same-day appointments, an Albuquerque emergency dentist will address your dental injury the day you call to receive emergency treatment. Avoiding an appointment to treat your dental emergency can put you at risk for more serious complications down the road. For example, if a broken tooth remains untreated, it could become infected and require a root canal procedure. By delaying treatment, you are forced to experience pain that you don't need to live with. We offer same-day emergency dental care to ensure that you get the treatment you deserve when you need it most.

Common Emergency Procedures

After addressing the dental emergency, your emergency dentist may recommend certain treatments to get your oral care back to a healthy, functioning state. For example, dental crowns are often applied to fix broken, damaged, or decayed teeth. Root canal therapy may be the best option if an underlying infection is causing you to experience a severe or chronic toothache.

Tooth splinting is another common procedure, which helps stabilize a loose or knocked-out tooth to allow for proper healing. While rare, tooth extractions may be necessary to remove seriously injured teeth that cannot be fixed with other restorative care methods. For emergency treatments, it is important to fix the immediate issue and then we can address with cosmetic dentistry in the future.

Did you know…

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Kids and adults lose over 5 million teeth every year!

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Have questions about emergency dentistry? Find answers here.

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What should I do if I’ve knocked out a tooth?

To recover your tooth, grab it by the top (the dental crown) instead of the bottom (the root), as this will prevent further damage from occurring. Next, rinse it with warm water to keep the tooth clean. Finally, replace the tooth back in its socket or add it into a container of cold milk to ensure proper moisture before you come in to see the emergency dentist.

If this is an extremely serious dental emergency, avoid spending too much time alleviating pain and discomfort. To save your tooth, your dentist must replace and splint it within 1-2 hours. Call us right away for immediate guidance, then come into our office to get the help that can't wait.

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What should I do if my dental work has fallen out?

Put your dental work in a plastic bag or container if you can, and be sure to bring it with you to your appointment. Call us immediately to schedule an emergency dental care visit so we can treat the issue ASAP.

Losing a piece of dental work exposes vulnerable parts of your tooth to bacteria, which can trigger an infection, further decay or damage, and cause other complications to arise. This is a serious issue that requires a same-day appointment, so don't hesitate to contact us right away. We will do everything we can to restore your smile with a new filling, dental crown, or other restorative dental work.

What should I do about a severe toothache?

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If your severe toothache lasts 1-2 days or longer, there's a strong chance you may have a tooth infection, which constitutes a serious dental emergency. Root canal therapy may be necessary to restore and revitalize your tooth.Give us a call right away to schedule your appointment. Before visiting our office, apply an ice pack, take over-the-counter pain relievers, or apply Orajel or a similar topical product to numb the tooth and soothe the pain. We may also need to do a tooth extraction, which will be avoided if possible.

What should I do about a chipped, broken or cracked tooth?

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Don't hesitate to give us a call for a same-day emergency dental care appointment, even if you think the dental damage seems minor. Without a professional dental exam, it can be difficult to know the severity of a chip, break or crack on your tooth. If left untreated, a broken or cracked tooth can easily become infected and cause further and unnecessary complications. This is a common dental emergency.

The best thing to do is give us a call and visit our office as soon as possible. Your dentist in Albuquerque will examine the tooth, determine the extent of the damage, and offer their best recommendations to repair and protect your smile.

What should I do about a loose tooth?

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If a dental injury has caused your tooth to loosen, call our team immediately for a same-day appointment. Without proper care, the nerves supporting your tooth could die, causing the tooth to fall out entirely. Don't hesitate to reach out, we are here to help!

After you've scheduled your appointment, it's important to try to keep the tooth as stable as possible. Avoid touching the loose tooth with your tongue or fingers. Once you arrive at our office for your emergency treatment, your dentist will attach the loose tooth to the adjacent teeth by applying a stabilizing splint. This will allow the healing process to begin so the tooth can re-attach to your gums.

Did you know…

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By placing a knocked out tooth in cold milk, you can preserve the root while you head to your emergency dental service appointment.

Need to see a doctor today?

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