I Keep Up With My Dental Health. Why Does My Breath Stink?

You diligently maintain your dental hygiene routine, brushing your teeth every morning and night, and even flossing before bed. However, you might still find yourself wondering why your breath doesn't always stay as fresh as you'd like it to be. There are several reasons for this persistent issue, and in this blog, we'll explore a few of them to shed light on the potential causes behind your less-than-fresh breath.

Common Reasons for Bad Breath 

Most of us associate bad breath with poor oral hygiene, but that's not the only reason. Here are other factors that could influence how your breath is smelling. 

1. Your Diet

There's no secret that foods rich in onions, garlic, and certain spices can cause temporary bad breath. The same is true for a high-protein or low-carb diet. That's because these foods can produce ketones, which have a strong odor when exhaled.

2. You're Not Drinking Enough Water 

Saliva plays an important role in keeping your breath fresh. That's because it helps clean the food debris left after your meals. But, when you're dehydrated, saliva production decreases, which means that more food particles are left in your mouth, producing a bad smell. 

3. Hidden Dental Issues

Even if you think you have good oral hygiene, you may have a dental issue that is not immediately visible or painful, such as a cavity or gum disease. That's why in addition to daily brushing, you should also see your dentist twice a year for preventive care

4. Certain Medical Conditions

Your general health can influence your breath too. For example, conditions such as sinus infections, acid reflux, and diabetes can all contribute to persistent bad breath. 

Some medications can also cause dry mouth and, as we've learned, dry mouth is a culprit for bad breath. 

5. You Are a Smoker 

Smoking and frequent alcohol consumption can also contribute to bad breath. Even if you brush your teeth after or are diligent about your oral hygiene routine, the bad smell can persist. That's because these substances also dry out your mouth, reducing saliva and leading to foul breath. 

6. You Have Some Digestive Health Issues 

Issues with your gastrointestinal tract, such as indigestion, constipation, or bowel disorders can lead to bad breath. These conditions can produce gasses that exit through your mouth, causing an unpleasant odor.

7. Orthodontic Treatment 

Orthodontic treatments like Invisalign can trap food particles and bacteria, which can lead to bad breath if not cleaned regularly. That's why it's paramount to follow your dentist's instructions and clean your teeth and aligners as instructed. 

When Should You See a Dentist? 

Wondering when it's the right time to schedule a dental appointment? If you've been grappling with persistent bad breath despite your regular oral care routine, it could be an indication that it's time to consult with a dental professional like Dr. Becky Chiem. She can assess your oral health, identify any underlying issues that might be contributing to the problem, and provide a comprehensive professional cleaning. Don't hesitate to reach out to Coronado Family Dental to schedule your appointment and address any concerns you may have about your oral health and breath freshness.